Monday, September 21, 2009

so little time, too much to do....

I'm a horrible blogger. In general, I'm horrible at anything related to a computer (usually I leave that to my computer whiz husband), but even more so, I've always been awful at keeping up with things, diaries, journals, scrapbooking, etc... So I apologize that it's been more than a month that I've updated this blog.

A lot of it has to do with time, and money. Time in that I started school full time again this fall and most people don't understand how much FULL TIME being an art student means. There's barely anytime to eat, let alone paint (and that's on top of painting in class all day) but don't get me wrong, I love it, I'm just not really in a fix it up place right now, but we will be soon. And money in that because I'm in school full time, I've cut back on hours that I work, so thus we have less 'spend-however-your-heart-desires-money', and we have to focus on getting the bills payed.

The bright side to all of this is that it's giving me a lot of time to think about what I really want the house to look like later, and I've already changed my mind on ideas I had at the beginning, so that will be ultimately good in the end.

Josh and I are mainly trying to focus on fixing up our studio the most because it's where we are the big part of the day, and a lot of it isn't even costing us money. My grandmothers house is getting ready to be sold (she passed away in may) and so I get to have my grandfathers big work table from his shed, which I'm ecstatic about because I absolutely loved my papa, and I'll get to remember him every time I work on my art.

We're mainly trying to focus on things that don't cost money to fix up, like good old fashioned yard work (not my favorite) but still I like the end product.

Even though the house being in a stand still has got me a little down, I'm trying to keep a good attitude about it and remember that it's a process. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day :)

Till next time (which hopefully will not be a month later....)

- The Maxwell's -